Event & Visitor Gallery Event & Visitor Gallery Chickadee landing on hand on a trail at the Massena Nature Center in winter.Learn about the programs at the Nature Centerthis survival class gave kids knowledge on what to eat and how to make nutritional trail mix.Jr. earth Keepers learn about local wildlife while tracking in the snow in December (2014).Craft classes were held for all ages - some for adults and teens and some just for kids.The Nature Center hosts lots of school visits even during the winter months.The Nature Center was busy with ski and snowshoe rentals this winter season!Boy Scouts visit in February for a 3 mile snowshoe hike and to build a fire to cook their own meal on.Boy Scouts making their 3 mile journey.NYSARC came out for some snowshoeing.Demonstrating survival skills - how to build a fire in snow.Jr Earth Keepers learn how to snowshoe in January. Find yourself in an image or would like to share one with the Massena Nature Center? Click the box below to submit your photos. Share your Nature Center trip photos!Share your photos of your visist at Nicandri Nature Center.